The antenna division of TVV Sound is widely known for its innovative antenna solutions.
We use high qualtiy antennas from Aldena

Screen’s new radio DAB Transmitter is reaching the highest technology level in both Digital Signal Processing and RF domain.
All models are available also as /XE, eXtreme Efficiency, with overall efficiency up to 42%
Top performances are possible thanks to:
Improved digital adaptive precorrection and configuration flexibility
High-Efficiency SFK Amplifiers, using latest generation LDMOS devices more rugged and efficient, special low-loss design of matching and combining system, high-efficiency over 96% power supplies.
Hot pluggable power supplies and RF modules
Compact-sized amplifier modules thanks to a new concept of heat sync and ultracompact power supplies, both in air or liquid cooling systems.
Smart System Design
Regular practical performance measurements
The predicted, theoretical coverage of transmitters is checked in the field with the help of coverage analyzers, by cient request.
Improvement or extension of frequency networks
Existing networks often offer substantial opportunities for optimization.